
Monday, May 26, 2008

Source book

I've had a few requests for more information on the source book that I'm using. Its Niedersächsiche Bildstickereien des Mittelalters by Renate Kroos, published by Berlin, Deutscher Verl. f. Kunstwissenschaft in 1970. The book is based on Renate Kroos' dissertation on embroidery in Lower Saxony. The book in German, so I have been using the pictures of the pieces and then translating snippets of the information as I need them. There aren't a lot of copies floating around the US, but you can see WorldCat's listing at http://www.worldcat.or/oclc/176343&referer=brief_results to find your nearest copy. Many universities have some allowances for allowing public access to books (though they many not let you check it out). Just take care of the copy that you use, since there aren't that many around :)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Pattern #5

Pattern chart:

Stitched sample:

The source panel is plate 330 in the Roos book. I have a couple other patterns from this plate charted but not stitched. Hopefully I'll get those done sometime soon.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Pattern #4

Here is my fourth sample. The pattern is a little different from some of the previous because it's horizontal stripes.



And the source for this pattern is Plate 201 from the Kroos book. The pattern is used for fill for a camel. For those reading at home, the catalogue number is 117 on page 154 and camel is Dromedar in German. The piece is listed at 14th century.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Finished moving!

I have finally finished moving from Meridies to Ansteorra, and now have internet again :) I finished another sample in transit, so I will get that up soon. Also, I managed to get some more scans of my favorite source book, so I have plenty to keep me busy for a while. I'll try to start including more information with the patterns about the sources, now that I've got copies of the correct pages. Thanks for the comments and feedback, I enjoy reading them :)