
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Giant Sparkly Banner Goes to Gulf War

Here is Giant Sparkly Banner in the Opening Processional at Gulf Wars this year.  Incidentally, I am on the left holding the banner and wearing my spiffy surcoat and matching hat!  Look at all those pretty surcoats!

The picture above is linked directly to the picture, so here is the proper link for the photographer:

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Handout - Surcoat Care

I've posted a new PDF in the handout section: "Care and Feeding of War Company Surcoats."  If you are War Company member and you lost your flier, you can download it here.

Finished (for now)

Stack of finished surcoatsFirst batch of finished surcoats

The pre-Gulf Wars surcoat assembly crunch is finished!  Sunday night we finished 9 more surcoats and then 2 more on Monday.  Last night I was able to deliver most of them to their proud new owners and there was some surcoat silliness at fighter practice.    That brings our total to 17 complete!  We have 3 more that didn't have a deadline, so they will be put to the side until after the event.  The workspace looks so empty now! I have a new camera, so there will be some action pictures and a couple of group shots to show off our new awesome colors!  Now to finish packing...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Finished Byzantine Silk Swatch

Outlining is finished
Above is the entire design, with a Japan gold outline.  I let it sit for a few days and felt it needed a bit more zing.  After rummaging through the gold thread bin, I found some nice twist left over from Giant Sparkly Banner.  I used this twist to add one more round of outlining and it really completed the design.  Hooray!

Finished stitching