
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Source and sketch for St. Martin's panel

Ready to go!

I've actually started my panel. I've got the frame dressed and the pattern traced, so now I just need to get started stitching. I've included a picture of the original from Bildindex below.


  1. Great, can't wait to see your embroidery progress :)

  2. Thanks :) I'm very exciting about finally getting started on this! I got some stitching started last night, so I'll post some progress soon.

  3. Very nice! I look forward to seeing your progress.

  4. I like the frame mod, and you chose a great subject to reproduce. Is that from the one true and perfect century? Are you going to Glaslyn this Saturday or Laurel's prize next Saturday?

  5. @Gaston - Thanks :) The info I have on this piece says after 1346/1355 from Vienna. The subject is St Martin. I have some more detailed information somewhere around here, but its in German and I haven't translated it yet. I won't be making Glaslyn, but I am taking my brick stitch stuff to Laurel's prize :)

    @Racair, Kathy - Thanks for the encouragement. I really appreciate it since both of you have blogs that delight and inspire me :)
